Our Vision.....

About Mount Gravatt Community
To strengthen our communities’ capacity in an inclusive way that enhances quality of life.
Our Mission.....
To be welcoming and accessible to our communities, through flexible and responsive approaches, that provides a place and space for everyone.
Who we are.....
MGCCI is a not-for-profit, registered charitable organisation located on Logan Road, Upper Mount Gravatt.
As a community centre, we proactively seek to work with other agencies and organisations to collaboratively deliver flexible, responsive and holistic services for our community. Our community centre can be accessed by all members of our community in a diverse number of ways; individually and groups. There is a place and space for everyone.
How we began.....
In 1990 local member, Judy Spence, invited a group of interested people to discuss establishing a Neighborhood Centre in the Mt Gravatt district. The first meeting was held at St Bartholomew’s Uniting Church with the local minister. Two public meetings followed this.
A small group of people met to design a logo and to write an application for Registered Charity Status. The Centre was initially under the auspice of the Uniting Church until the constitution was written and the name registered with the Office of Fair Trading. Office bearers were elected and monthly meetings were held to write an application for funding under what was previously known as the Family and Individual Support Program (FISP).
Funding was granted in 1991 and 1693 Logan Road was purchased and renovated by the Department of Communities, Disabilities Services and Seniors (formerly known as Family Services, Aboriginal and Islander Affairs).
The Centre was officially opened on the 7th of November 1991 by Anne Warner (the then Minister for the former Department of Family Services, Aboriginal and Islander Affairs) and was staffed by volunteers.
In 1992 funding was granted through the then Department of Communities to employ a full-time Community Worker and a part-time Administrator. Since then, funding has also been secured from Department of Housing for the Home Assist Secure Program, Disability Services Queensland for Queensland Community Care Service and Department of Health and Ageing for the Commonwealth Home Support Program. This funding is for both Home Modification and In-Home Support.
The Centre and it's operations are managed by the CEO and governed by a Board of Management who are responsible for ensuring that the Centre continues to set its strategic direction and meet its accountability requirement.
Information and Referral
Mt Gravatt Community Centre is committed to delivering services to the community regardless of background. People who access the Centre can be assisted with specific information and are provided with a resource and referral service in relation to their particular need/s. We strive to ensure that all information provided is clear, relevant and up-to-date.
Mt Gravatt Community Centre Inc believes that information shared by clients belongs to clients. We aim to uphold the highest standards of clients’ rights to confidentiality and privacy in accordance with the principles embodied in the Australian Privacy Principles (2012). We will collect only such personal information from clients as is necessary to provide the service offered to or sought by them. The client’s permission for our holding information shall be obtained in all cases. In seeking this permission, there shall be full disclosure of what information is to be held and how it may be used. The client will be offered the right to inspect any information held and to correct inaccuracies. Information will be securely stored and accessed only by those employees whose job makes it necessary for them to do so. No information will be shared with a third party without the client’s permission, except where issues of personal risk of public safety make it legally or ethically mandatory that we do so. No new use of information shall be made without the new permission of the client. However, records may be used in statistical analyses so long as individuals cannot be identified. Private records shall be destroyed or de-identified when no longer required, except where legal requirements or public safety considerations make it necessary or prudent for us to retain them for longer. The organisation shall put in place procedures to ensure the privacy, safety and security of client information and to ensure that clients and employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities with regards to privacy matters. You can access our Privacy and Confidentiality Procedure here.
Access to Information
Mt Gravatt Community Centre believes that information about a person belongs to that person. All clients and staff will be able to access any information concerning themselves. Clients and workers are encouraged to jointly document their involvement and clients will be encouraged to retain these records. Any information that is generated about a person will be shared with that person.
Your Right to be Heard
If you don’t like something or you are unhappy with the support or service/s you are receiving from Mt Gravatt Community Centre, you have the right to voice your concerns and be heard. You can do this by either phoning or writing to anyone within the organisation you feel comfortable with. This may include the Chief Executive Officer, Team Leader or other staff member. If you would like to talk to someone about your concerns, you also have the right to have someone with you – a friend or advocate of your choice.