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News And Events

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update
23 Mar 2020

We would like to provide an update on Covid-19 and its impact on services provided by the Mt Gravatt Community Centre. We acknowledge many people’s ​lives have been disrupted due to issues around COVID-19 and we hope you are keeping as well as possible.

At the present time, MGCCI is aiming to continue as many services as possible, to provide support for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. However, as staff, volunteer, client and community well-being is our priority, we have had to cease some services and modify the way we deliver others . This also​ includes moving the majority of our services to over the telephone or electronically and restricting people from coming into the community centre. We request that you do not come to the community centre without an appointment.

We are still providing food parcels however these are by appointment only. Please phone us on 3343 9833 to organise a time when you can collect your food parcel. Our other emergency relief services will be conducted over the phone and an appointment is required for these as well.

As of Monday the 23rd of March, our social groups and computer lessons that are held onsite will cease. However, our Ukulele and Crotchet groups continue to meet at a location outside of MGCCI so please phone us if you would like further information.

Our staff members and volunteers are all looking forward to being back in full swing once this public health issue has passed and we will post any updates on our Facebook page and website.

Feel free to contact us